Below are students' writings about what they learned at the Holocaust Observance:

Laura: "I learned that Jews under sixteen did not get a tattoo when I thought all the Jews got tattoos. I learned that instead of letting the mothers keep their babies, the Germans threw the babies up into the air and shot them. Jews had to carry up gigantic rocks then when they got to the top, they were useless, so the Germans pushed the Jews down into the ravine to their deaths."

Amber: "I thought the trip to the Holocaust Observance would be boring, but it turned out to be a great learning experience for me. I learned the Jews were so skinny and weak from not being able to eat. When they were given food at the end, their bodies weren't strong enough to consume food. From the pictures I learned they used their eating soup bowls for pillows. When the Jews were shot, the soldiers would just pile their bodies up on the floor. There were electrical fences and sometimes the Jews would just jump on them to kill themselves because they didn't want to suffer anymore."

Jake: "It is hard to believe what the speakers said. It is just unimaginable what the Nazis put the Jews through. I learned that one of the things the Germans made the Jews do was carry stones up over 100 steps. The Jews had to use the same can to urinate in and eat out of. One of the worst things I thought was they would use human flesh to make lamp shades. I also learned the crematories worked around the clock."

Madison: "I think going to see the speakers at the Holocaust Observance was good for us. I learned the Jews had to go to the ghetto before going to the concentration camps. I learned that while in line to see if you were staying or going to the gas chamber, some soldiers threw the babies into the air and shot them. I learned they only got water twice a week. I learned that they got a can that was their bathroom, what they got their food in, and what they drank their water in."

MiReyna: "The field trip to the Holocaust Observance was both sad and insightful. Seeing all those pictures and hearing their stories made me realize that it wasn't as nice as some stories made me think. It helped me figure out that it actually did happen, although I couldn't believe it. It helped me see clearly, but also made me cry. I learned that Germans were very cruel to small babies. They would throw them into the air and shoot them. When that was said, all I could think about was my baby niece. When I got home, I carried her and cried some more. The trip also taught me that it was hard to sleep with so many other people in the same bed with you. I learned that there were about five people to a small bed. People, like the speaker, didn't want to live. You were either starved or sick with a serious disease. And for girls who love long hair, you wouldn't want to be at a concentration camp because you would have to shave your head. One of the most important lessons I got from this wonderful experience was that there are evil people in the world. You should not discriminate, but show respect for all different cultures. This field trip changed my life, and I rate it a 10! This was a great learning experience that showed me the "real" Holocaust. This could happen again if we are not careful and if we don't watch past mistakes."