Song: "With Arms Wide Open" by Creed
TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Movie: The Lord of the Rings
Food: honey cured ham
Color: green
Person: Father
Sport: baseball
Book: Dragons Blood
Subject: science
Hobby: solving challenges in new ways
Pet Peeve: people who think they're better than everybody else
Future Plans: graduate, go to college, and get a degree in elemental physics

Song: "God Bless the Broken Road"
TV Show: American Idol, Full House
Movie: Daddy Day Care, My Girl
Food: anything and everything
Color: baby pink and baby blue
Person: God, Becky, Greg, Lauren
Sport: basketball
Book: A Child Called It
Subject: lunch if it counts and if not-science
Hobby: talking on MSN or hanging out with my buddies
Pet Peeve: it depends on which person
Future Plans: go to Texas Tech and then work at St. Jude's in Memphis, Tennessee

Song: "American Child"
TV Show: One Piece
Movie: El Dorado
Food: shrimp
Color: dark red
Person: God
Sport: football
Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Subject: science
Hobby: collecting knives
Pet Peeve: people who think they are the best at everything
Future Plans: go to college at Tech