Career Technology-

Home Economics

Mrs. Sue Haberer


Child Development

Grade Placement: 10-12

Credit 1/2

This technical laboratory course is designed to focus on knowledge and skills related to the development, care, guidance, and protection of children. Instruction addresses the principles and procedures for promoting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of young children, including those with special needs. Other topics include characteristics of quality child care, carrer options related to the care and education of children, and the management of multiple family, community, and family roles.

Elementary School Teacher Assistant

Grade Placement: 11-12

Credit: 1/2

Prerequisite: Preparation for Parenting and/or Child Development recommended

This is a work-based internship which provides students' learning experience in child development while they work directly with young children and career elementary school teachers. High school students assist in individual instruction, preparation of instructioal materials and bulletin boards, group activities, record keeping, and making physical arrangements as requested by classroom teachers. During the course of each week, high school students are involved in instruction from the home economics teacher, as well as involved in working in the elementary school with pupils from Grades PK-3.

Nutrition and Food Science

Grade Placement: 10-12


This technial laboratory course concentrates on nutrition, food choice, and food management skills for individuals and the family throughout the life cycle. Instruction addresses nutition and food science from the perspective of food habits and wellness, menu planning, special dietary needs, food costs and budgeting, consumer food-buying strategies, food safety and sanitation procedures, food labels, technology implications and food handeling, storage and preparations practices. Meal etiquette, career options,and techniques for managing multiple family, community, and wage-earner roles are part of the content.

Consumer and Family Economics

Grade Credit: 10-12


This technical course focuses on management of financial resources and obligations to meet personal and family needs across the life span. The course addresses consumer rights and responsiblities, family spending decisions, issues affecting consumers and the U.S. economy, effective consumer buying and consumer protection, credit management, technology implications, retirement planning, and family financial security. Career options available in consumer and resource management, and strategies for managing multiple family, commumnity, and wage-earner roles are part of the content.

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