nanncy sue


Name: Nancy Sue

Birthday: June 28

Movie: Scarface

Song: "Only God Knows Why" by Kid Rock

Food: My Mom's cooking

Color: Orange

Actor: Al Pacino

Person: Big brother

Favorite High School Memories: Prom 1999 and 11:11 MAKE A WISH!

Pet Peeve: When people are afraid to be what/who they truly are in front of others

Future Plans: Attend Angelo State University

Greatest Lesson Ever Learned: Breaking the rules is

what makes life fun and interesting. Every revolution starts with

a single act of defiance!

What you will miss most next year: The many lessons that high school has taught me

(and I'm not talking about the ones in the classroom!)

Quote: "Me, I want what's coming to me...the world and everything in it" Al Pacino in Scarface

Something people will remember about you 10 years from now: My smile and attitude towards life and the things I was dealt

Nancy's Article

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