CHEMISTRY in the 6th Grade

In sixth grade science, we are doing a unit on Chemistry. We have learned the basic structure of atoms and defined element and compound.

Using the VSEPR I Molecular Model Kits, we made models of water, ammonia and methane. Then the students used ciritcal thinking skills to decide the models of ethane, propane, and butane.

Click on camera for students at work!

We have concentrated on learning basic concepts of the periodic table. We discussed atomic number = number of protons, atomic mass-atomic number = number of neutrons and in an atom that is not charged, the number of protons = number of electrons.

We have discussed isotopes using carbon-12 and carbon-14 as examples, along with radioactive isotopes and how they are unstable. This exercise was used to check the students knowledge of the use of these definitions.


We found the following sites useful for the periodic table: click on them!



Chemical and Physical Properties

Chemical and Physical Change

Chemical Changes and Chemical Properties:

1. Soda and vinegar in test tube with cork. Shake with finger on the cork and remove finger. Cork will explode off the test tube.

2. Iodine changes to brown in alcohol and blue in starch.

3. Wood ashes make into potash and water is released.

4. Toast burns until charcoal.

5. Iron rusting of iron with water.

6. Yeast forms carbon dioxide in water.

7. Sugar heated until changes to caramel.

8. Burn Magnesium ribbon.


Physical Changes and Physical Properties:

1. Give students a red apple and have them describe all of the properties.

2. Boil water.

3. Melt ice.

4. Tear paper.

5. Mix water and salt, then evaporate the water.

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