Reading I & II

Teacher: Mrs. Mary Jones

All students will learn to read to succeed in a literate world.

Reading I and II offer students instruction in word recognition and comprehension strategies and vocabulary to ensure that high school students have an opportunity to read with competence, confidence, and understanding. Students are given opportunities to locate information in varied sources, to read critically, to evaluate sources, and to draw supportable conclusions. Students learn how various texts are organized and how authors choose language for effect.

The development of reading skills and strategies, essential to all curricular areas, is the foundation of learning. As part of the total communication process, reading supports an individual's educational pursuits, personal interests, and social needs on his/her way to becoming a productive citizen in a technological society. Because each individual is unique in ability, cultural background, and motivation, the reading program applies varied and adaptable approaches, techniques, and instructional materials. Students both learn to read and read to learn. Thus, the Springlake-Earth reading program enables all students to reach their literacy potential.


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