Resolution for 2001-2002

Resolved: The United States Federal Government should establish a foreign policy limiting the use of weapons of mass destruction.

This year the Springlake-Earth High School Speech Team has two cross-examination debate teams: Tiffany and Iliana, and Bonnie and Kendra.
The C-X teams participated in District on Saturday, February 9, 2002. Bonnie and Kendra placed fourth. The Springlake-Earth Speech team wishes good luck to the Sudan Speech Team as they participate in the State Tournament during Spring Break.
January-March 2002: Resolved: When in conflict the spirit of the law should supercede the letter of the law.
This year the Springlake-Earth High School Speech Team has three Lincoln-Douglas debaters: Carrie, Laura, and Kira.
The Springlake-Earth Speech Team attended the Friona Bobsled Classic on Saturday, January 19, 2002. Bonnie and Kendra participated in
C-X debate. Carrie, Tiffany, and Kira participated in Novice L-D debate. Carrie placed third place.
The Springlake-Earth Speech Team attended the Hereford High School annual speech meet on Saturday, January 26, 2002. Bonnie and Kendra, and Iliana and Tiffany participated in C-X debate. Carrie, Laura, and Kira particited in L-D debate.
Kira, Kendra, Tiffany