Standing: Mandy Garza, Melanie Park, Michelle Jones, Staci Haberer, Tiffany Tiffin, Cybel Luna, Amanda Burton, Nikki Nickel, and Jose Mendoza, Kneeling: Shane Been, Sky Holcomb, Jerry Frietze, Ray Castillo, Russell Reyes, Sergio Hernancez, and Matt Cowley
Back Row: Isaac Sandavol; Third Row: Mrs. Sue Haberer, Soto, Laura Longoria, Maria Rodriquez, Stephanie Castillo, and Dana Washington; Second Row: Michelle Jones, Elaine Morris, Mandy Garza, Myrna Balderrama, Yvonne Sandoval, Jessica Sisneros, and Angela DeLeon; Front Row: Staci Haberer, Monica Castillo, Melissa DeLeon, Olivia Longoria, Leticia Reyes, and Michelle Posada.