Disclaimer: The following is for reference only. The official Parent/Student Handbook is the hard copy given to each student.

Mission Statement

The primary purpose of the Springlake-Earth Independent School District is to provide each student with a well-rounded education. This education will involve

We strongly recommend that parents view the entire handbook with their children and keep it as a referenc during this school year. Also, please complete and return the parental acknowledgement of receipt, emergency threatment form, and Internet form so that we have a record of your choice.

Gary Bigham-Superindendent of Schools
Robert Conkin - PreK-8 Principal
Jarod Bellar - High School Principal
Receipt of Student Code of Conduct Form 2004 Wolverine Football Schedule
Internet Permission Form 2004-2005 Wolverine Basketball Schedule
Emergency Treatment Form Bell Schedule
Section I
Section II
Section III
Grading Guidelines Awards and Honors Accident Insurance Meetings--Noncurriculum
Related Groups
Medicine at School Career and Technology Programs Accident Prevention
Nondiscrimination Applicability of School Rules Notification of Law Violations
Other standardized Testing College Requirements Class Rank/Top Ten Percent Asbestos Personal Grooming Code
Class Schedule Changes Attendance--College Days Pest Control Information
Obtaining Student Information Clubs Attendance--Compulsory Physical Exams/Health
Promotion and Retention Computer Policy Attendance--Family Days
Protecting Student Rights Conflicts in Scheduling Activities Attendance--For Credit Prayer
Release of Students from
Attendance--Unexcused Tardies Questioning of Students
Correspondence Work Cafeteria Services Radios/CDs/Cell Phones, etc.
Services for Homeless and
Title I Participants
Counseling--Academic/Personal Closing or Delays Safety
Courses/Classes Offered School Faculties
Site-Based Decision MakingTeam Courses/Graduation Requirements Communicable Diseases/
Bacterial Meningitis
Searches of Students' Desks and Lockers
Student Records Courses Requirements
for Junior High
Conduct Before and After School
Student/Parent Complaints & Concerns Corporal Punishment Searches of Vehicles
Credit by Exam Searches by Trained Dogs
Withdrawal from School Dual Credit Courses/college Distribution of Nonstudent
Nonschool Materials
Sexual Harassment/Sexual Abuse
Working Together Dues, Class and Organizations
Your Involvement as a Parent Exemptions for Semester Tests Distribution of Published Materials/Documents Students Taken Into Custody
a Extracurricular Activites,
Clubs and Organizations
Distribution of School Materials Student Fees
a Telephones
a 4H Distribution of Student Nonschool Materials Textbooks
a FFA Drills--Fire/Tornado/Etc. Transportation--School Vehicles
a Grade Classification Emergency Medical Treatment Use of School Facilities Before and After School
a Grade Point Average Fund-Raising
a Graduation Expenses Harassment Visitors to the School
a Graduation Requirements Immunization Weather Related Emergencies
Honor Society Law Enforcement Agencies
a Offices and Elections Library a
a Other Scholarships and Grants a a
a Special Programs a a
a Student Council a a
a Valedictory and Salutatory
a a
a a a
Wolverine Pride

Springlake-Earth Independent School District
Acknowledgement of Receipt of
Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct

I acknowledge receipt of the Student Code of Conduct and the consequences to students who violate District disciplinary policy. I will also let the District know, within ten days of receipt of the handbook, if I object to the release of "directory information" on my child.

Regarding students records, I understand that certain information about my child is considered directory information. Directory information includes student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of member of athletic teams, dates of attendance, awards received in school, and most recent school attended. Directory information may be released by the District to anyone who requests it unless I object to the release of any or all of this information within ten school days of the time this handbook was issued to my child. I have marked through those types of directory information listed above that I wish the District to withhold.

I understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in the District’s Student Code of Conduct. I also understand and agree that my student shall be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct at school and at school sponsored/related activities, including school sponsored travel, and for any school related misconduct, regardless of time or location. I understand that any student who violates the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including referral for criminal prosecution for violations of law.

I understand this Code is not a contract and can be amended by the District at any time. However, any change or amendment to the Code will be approved by the Board of Trustees. Teachers and principals may impose campus or classroom rules in addition to those found in the Student Code of Conduct. These rules may be posted in classrooms or given to the student and may or may not also constitute violations of the Student Code of Conduct. I also understand that parents will not necessarily be informed of classroom infractions but will be informed of any Code of Conduct violation.

________________________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature of Student Date
________________________________________________ _______________________________________
Signature of Parent Date

If this form is not signed and returned by August 29th , it will be assumed that you agree with and accept the policies and rules as stated.

Springlake-Earth Independent School District
Emergency Treatment Form

There is always the possibility of an accident occurring to a student at school or while participating in an after-school activity. In case an accident should occur, the school and/or University Scholastic League will not assume responsibility. Nevertheless, if an accident should occur, a discretionary judgment will be made by a school representative in regard to the student’s need for immediate care and treatment. Therefore, I do hereby request, authorize, and consent to such care and treatment as may be given to the said student by any physician, trainer, nurse, or school representative. As well, I do hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the school and any school representative from any claim by any person whomsoever on account of such care and treatment of the said student.

If between this date and the end of the school year, any illness or injury should occur that may limit this student’s participation, I agree to notify the school authorities of such illness or injury.

Please list any known allergies: _______________________________________

Please list family doctor name & phone: ________________________________

____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Student
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Parent

Springlake-Earth Independent School District
Internet Picture Permission Form

During the course of the year, your child’s picture may be taken during school activities, and we may wish to post it on the school’s website (www.springlake-earth.org). Please fill out and return this permission slip giving or denying the school permission to post your child’s picture and/or name on the website.

____________________________________________ ___________________________
Student's First & Last Name Grade & Teacher
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Permission (yes or no)

Springlake-Earth ISD
School-Parent Compact

As a parent of a student at Springlake-Earth ISD, I take full responsibility for these activities:

____________________________________________ ___________________________

As a teacher at Springlake-Earth ISD, I take responsibility for these activities:

____________________________________________ ___________________________

As a a student at Springlake-Earth ISD, I take responsibility for these activities:

____________________________________________ ___________________________

Acuerdo De Springlake-Earth ISD

Como padre de un estudiante in Springlake-Earth ISD, todo la responsabilidad de estas actividades:

____________________________________________ ___________________________
Fecha de la firma

Como profesor en Springlake-Earth ISD, todo la responsabilidad de estas actividades:

____________________________________________ ___________________________
Fecha de la firma

Como estudiante en Springlake-Earth ISD, todo la respondabilidad de estas actividades:

I ser ordenar y esforzar para hacer mi major in todo que yo hacer
&Mac183; Yo ser honesto, importar mi profesor y padre, y escuchr a medida que mi profesor y padre ayudar mi para aprender
&Mac183; Yo tomar responsaabilidad para mi educacion y realizar que unico manera para mi para conseguir la mayoria me educacion ser para mi para intentar mi duro
&Mac183; Yo mantener uno abierto linea comunicacion con mi professor padre
&Mac183; Yo respetar y todo orgulo en me, ontro individuo, mi familia, mi escuela, y mi comunidad.

____________________________________________ ___________________________
Fecha de la firma

Springlake-Earth Independent School District Policies and Regulations
A Handbook for Parents and Students

Springlake-Earth Independent School District Policies and Regulations
A Handbook for Parents and Students


To Parents and Students,

Welcome to school year 2004-2005! For this new year to be successful, we must all work together: students, parents, teachers, and other school staff members. This student handbook is designed to help us do this.

The Springlake-Earth Independent School Parent/Student Handbook contains information that both students and parents are likely to need during the school year. The handbook is divided into three sections:

Please be aware that the term "the student’s parent" is used to refer to the parent, legal guardian, or other person who has agreed to assume school-related responsibility for a student.

Both students and parents must be familiar with the Springlake-Earth ISD Code of Conduct, required by state law and intended to promote school safety and an atmosphere for learning.

Section I


Springlake-Earth Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education services, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

The following District staff members have been designated to coordinate compliance with these requirements:

Services for the Homeless and for Title I Participants

Other designated staff you may need to contact include:

Judy Anderson teacher Mary Jones teacher
Gary Bigham superintendent Shelby Lowe parent
*Robert Conkin principal Mike McCarty business
Belinda Samaniego parent Betty Parish teacher
Michelle Estrada teacher Kim Perry teacher
Frankie Mendoza parent *Karl Vaughn prncipal
Luisa Garcia parent Mike West community

Your Involvement as a Parent

Working Together
A child’s education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school, a partnership that thrives on communication. Your involvement in this partnership may include:

  • Encouraging your child to put a high priority on education and working with your child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides. Be sure your child comes to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn.
  • Becoming familiar with all of your child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special programs, offered in the District. Discuss with the counselor or principal any questions you may have about the options and opportunities available to your child. Monitor your child’s academic progress and contact teachers as needed. See Academic Counseling.
  • Attending scheduled conferences and requesting additional conferences as needed. To schedule a telephone or in-person conference with a teacher, counselor, or principal, please call the school office at 257- 3310 for an appointment. A teacher will usually return your call or meet with you during his or her conference period or at a mutually convenient time before or after school. See Report Cards, Progress Reports, and Conferences.
  • Becoming a school volunteer. For further information, see policy GKG and contact a school administrator.
  • Participating in campus parent organizations.
  • Offering to serve as a parent representative on the District-level or campus-level planning committees assisting in the development of educational goals and plans to improve student achievement. For further information, see policies at BQA and BQB, and contact a school administrator.
  • Attending Board meetings to learn more about District operations. The regular Board meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Board room.

Obtaining Information and Protecting Student Rights
Your child will not be required to participate without parental consent in any survey, analysis, or evaluation–funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education–that concerns:

  • Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent.
  • Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family.
  • Sexual behavior or attitudes.
  • Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior.
  • Critical appraisals of individuals with whom the student has a close family relationship.
  • Relationships privileged under law, such as relationships with lawyers, physicians, and ministers.
  • Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents.
  • Income, except when the information is required by law and will be used to determine the student’s eligibility to participate in a special program or to receive financial assistance under such a program.

You will be able to inspect the survey or other instrument and any instructional materials used in connection with such a survey, analysis, or evaluation.

Parents also have a right:
As a parent of a student at Springlake-Earth ISD, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child, and Federal law requires the school district to provide you this information in a timely manner if you request it. Specifically, you have the right to request the following information about each of your child's classroom teachers:

  • Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade and subject areas he or she teaches.
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status because of special circumstances.
  • The teacher's college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and the filed of discipline of the certification or degree. and undergraduate and graduate degree majors, graduate certifications, and the field of study of the certification or degree.
  • Whether paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.

If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact central office at 806257-3310

  • To review teaching materials, textbooks, and other teaching aids and instructional materials used in the curriculum, and to examine tests that have been administered to your child.
  • To review your child’s student records when needed. These records include:
Attendance records; Test scores;
Grades; Disciplinary records;
Counseling records; Psychological records;
Applications for admission; Health and immunization information;
Other medical records; Teacher and counselor evaluations;
Reports of behavioral patterns, and;
State assessment instruments that have been administered to your child.

See Student Records.

  • To grant or deny any written request from the District to make a videotape or voice recording of your child. State law, however, permits the school to make a videotape or voice recording without parental permission for the following circumstances:
  • When it is to be used for school safety;
  • When it relates to classroom instruction or a cocurricular or extracurricular activity; or
  • When it relates to media coverage of the school.
  • To remove your child temporarily from the classroom if an instructional activity in which your child is scheduled to participate conflicts with your religious or moral beliefs. The removal cannot be for the purpose of avoiding a test and may not extend for an entire semester. Further, your child must satisfy grade-level and graduation requirements as determined by the school and by the Texas Education Agency.

Grading Guidelines

Report Cards, Progress Reports, and Conferences
Report cards with your child’s grades or performance and absences in each class or subject are issued to you at least once every six (6) weeks.

At the end of the first three weeks of a grading period, you will be given a written unsatisfactory progress report if your child’s performance in any course (English, reading, mathematics, science, or social studies) is below an 80. If your child receives a grade lower than 70 in any class or subject during a grading period, you will be requested to schedule a conference with the teacher of that class or subject. See Working Together to schedule a conference.

The report card or unsatisfactory progress report will state whether tutorials are required for a student who receives a grade lower than 70 in a class or subject.

State Assessment
Students at certain grade levels will take state assessment tests (such as TAKS) in the following subjects, as well as routine testing and other measures of achievement:

  • Mathematics, annually in grades 3-7 without the aid of technology and in grades 8-11 with the aid of technology on any assessment test that includes algebra;
  • Reading, annually in grades 3-9;
  • Writing, including spelling and grammar, in grades 4 and 7;
  • English language arts in grade 10 & 11;
  • Social studies in grades 8, 10, & 11; and
  • Science in grades 5, 10 & 11.

Promotion and Retention
A student will be promoted only on the basis of academic achievement or demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter of the course or grade level. To earn credit in a course, a student must receive a grade of at least 70 based on course-level or grade-level standards. In addition, students at certain grade levels will be required to pass the new Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) as a further requirement for promotion:

  • In order to be promoted to grade 4 in school year 2003-2004, students must have performed satisfactorily on the Reading section of the grade 3 assessment test in English or Spanish.
  • In order to be promoted to grade 6, students enrolled in grade 5 in school year 2004-2005 must perform satisfactorily on the Mathematics and Reading sections of the grade 5 assessment test in English or Spanish.
  • In order to be promoted to grade 9, students enrolled in grade 8 in school year 2007-2008 must perform satisfactorily on the Mathematics and Reading sections of the grade 8 assessment test in English.

In addition, students in grades 3, 5, and 8 must meet promotion standards established by the District in order to be promoted.

Parents of students who do not perform satisfactorily on their exams will be notified that their child will participate in special instructional programs designed to improve performance. These students will also have two additional opportunities to take the test. See EIE (Local) for details. You may also refer to the school website at www.springlake-earth.org for a link to TASB online policy.

Beginning in school year 2003-2004, students in grade 11 must pass the secondary exit-level assessment in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science in order to receive a diploma. A student who does not pass the exit-level assessment will have additional opportunities to take the test. See Graduation for information regarding new exit-level tests required by state law.

Certain students–some with disabilities and some with limited English Proficiency–may be eligible for exemptions, accommodations, or deferred testing. For more information, see the principal, counselor, or special education director.

Other standardized testing: College requirements
Most colleges require either the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) for admission. Students are encouraged to talk with the counselor during their junior year to determine the appropriate exam to take; entrance exams are usually taken at the end of the junior year. Prior to enrollment in a Texas public college or university, most students must take the Texas Academic Skill Program (TASP) test.

Medicine at School

No District employee will give a student prescription medication, nonprescription medication, herbal substances, or dietary supplements except:

  • Authorized employees, in accordance with policy, and:
    • If the medication is prescription, it must be provided by the parent or legal guardian, along with a written request, and be in the original, properly labeled container.
    • If the medication is nonprescription, it must be provided by the parent, along with a written request, and be in the original, properly labeled container.
    • If the substance is herbal or a dietary supplement, it must be provided by the parent and will be administered only if it is required by the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan for a student with disabilities.
  • In certain emergency situation, for which the District will maintain and administer to student nonprescription medication, but only:
  • In accordance with the guidelines developed with the District’s medical advisor for treatment of the particular emergency; and
  • When the parent has previously provided written consent to emergency treatment of the District’s form.

A student with asthma who has written authorization from his or her parent and physician or other licensed health care provider may be permitted to possess and use prescribed asthma medication at school or school-related events. The student and parents should see the school nurse or principal if the student has been prescribed asthma medication for use during the school day. For further information, see policies at FFAC.

Revocation of Transfer Agreement

Any transfer student violating District policy and/or the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures and, after review by District administrative authorities, may be subject to revocation of the transfer.

Student transfers may be revoked during the school year should any of the following situations occur:

  • Attendance falls below 92% during any semester (barring extenuating circumstances)
  • Student has chronic zeros and/or failing grades in class
  • Chronic minor violations of the Student Code of Conduct
  • Any major violation of the Student Code of Conduct
  • Repeated dress code violations
  • Any gang related activity
  • Other behavior, which results in hindering the learning of other students
  • Any falsification or misrepresentations of data on school records

Students and parents shall receive notice of this policy upon application for a transfer, and this shall be a part of their transfer agreement.

Student Records
Both federal and state law safeguards student records from unauthorized inspection or use and provide parents and "eligible" students certain rights. For purposes of student records, and "eligible" student is one who is 18 or older or who is attending an institution for postsecondary education.

The law specifies that certain general information about Springlake-Earth ISD students is considered "directory information" and will be released to anyone who follows procedures for requesting it. That information includes:

  • A student’s name, address, telephone number, and date and place of birth.
  • The student’s photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams.
  • The student’s dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status, honors and awards received in school, and most recent school previously attended.

Release of any or all directory information regarding a student may be prevented by the parent of an eligible student. This objection must be made in writing to the principal within ten (10) school days of the child’s first day of instruction for this school year. (See the Acknowledgement Form attached to this handbook.)

Virtually all information pertaining to student performance, including grades, test results, and disciplinary records, is considered confidential educational records. Release is restricted to:

  • The parents–whether married, separated, or divorced–unless parental rights have been legally terminated and if the school is given a copy of the court order terminating these rights. Federal law requires that, as soon as the student becomes eligible, control of the records goes to the student. However, the parents may continue to have access to the records if the student is a dependent for tax purposes.
  • District staff members who have what federal law defines as a "legitimate educational interest" in a student’s records. Such persons would include school officials (such as Board members, the Superintendent, and principals), school staff members (such as teachers, counselors, and diagnosticians), or an agent of the District (such as a medical consultant).
  • Various governmental agencies or in response to a subpoena or court order.
  • A school to which a student transfers or in which he or she subsequently enrolls.

Release to any other person or agency–such as a prospective employer, or for a scholarship application–will occur only with parental or student permission as appropriate.

The District must comply with a request by a military recruiter or an institution of higher education for students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings, unless parents have advised the District not to release their child’s information without prior written consent.

The principal is custodian of all records for currently enrolled students at the assigned school. The principal is the custodian of all records for students who have withdrawn or graduated.

Records may be inspected by a parent or eligible student during regular school hours. If circumstances effectively prevent inspection during these hours, the District shall either provide a copy of the requested records, or make other arrangements for the parent or student to review the requested records. The records custodian or designee will respond to reasonable requests for explanation and interpretation of the records.

A parent (or the student if he or she is 18 or older or is attending an institution of postsecondary education) may inspect the student’s records and request a correction if the records are considered inaccurate or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights. If the District refuses the request to amend the records, the requestor has the right to request a hearing. If the records are not amended as a result of the hearing, the requestor has 30 school days to exercise the right to place a statement commenting on the information in the student’s record. Although improperly recorded grades may be challenged, contesting a student’s grade in a course is handled through the general complaint process defined by policy FNG. See Student or Parent Complaints and Concerns for an overview of the process.

Copies of student records are available at a cost of ten cents per page, payable in advance. If the student qualifies for free or reduced-price lunches and the parents are unable to view the records during regular school hours, one copy of the record will be provided at no charge upon written request of the parent.

Please note: Parents or eligible students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe the District is not in compliance with federal law regarding student records. The District’s policy regarding student records is available from the principal’s or Superintendent’s office.

The parent’s or eligible student’s right of access to, and copies of, student records does not extend to all records. Materials that are not considered educational records–such as teachers’ personal notes about a student that are shared only with a substitute teacher–do not have to be made available to the parents or student.

Student or Parent Complaints and Concerns

Usually student or parent complaints or concerns can be addressed simply–by a phone call or a conference with the teacher. For those complaints and concerns that cannot be handled so easily, the District has adopted a standard complaint policy at FNG (Local) in the District’s policy manual. A copy of this policy may be obtained in the principal’s or Superintendent’s office or at the District’s website at http://www.springlake-earth.org.

In general, the student or parent should first discuss the complaint with the campus principal. If unresolved, a written complaint and a request for a conference should be sent to the Superintendent. If still unresolved, the District provides for the complaint to be presented to the Board of Trustees.

Release of Student from school

Because class time is important, doctor’s appointments should be scheduled, if possible, at times when the student will not miss instructional time.

A student will not be released from school at times other than at the end of the school day except with permission from the principal or designee and according to the campus sign-out procedures. Unless the principal has granted approval because of extenuating circumstances, a student will not regularly be released before the end of the instructional day.

Unless the principal has a current court order signed by a judge, showing an official file stamp with the court, and indicating that a parent’s right of access to and possession of his or her children has been limited in some way, the principal will release children to either parent.

A student who will need to leave school during the day must bring a note from his or her parent that morning. A student who becomes ill during the school day should, with the teacher’s permission, report to the school nurse. The nurse or building principal will decide whether or not the student should be sent home and will notify the student’s parents.

Withdrawal from school
A student under 18 may be withdrawn from school only by a parent. The school requests notice from the parent at least three days in advance so that records and documents may be prepared. A withdrawal form may be obtained by the parent from the principal’s office.

On the student’s last day, the withdrawal form must be presented to each teacher for current grade averages and book clearance; to the librarian to ensure a clear library record; to the clinic for health records; to the counselor for the last report card and course clearance; and finally, to the principal. A copy of the withdrawal form will be given to the student and a copy placed in the student’s permanent record.

A student who is 18 or older, who is married, or who has been declared by a court to be an emancipated minor, may withdraw without parental signature.

Section II--Curriculum-Related Information

Awards and Honors

High School Awards

  • Athletic Awards: Qualifications for the Athletic Awards will be determined by the Athletic Director and the High School Principal.
  • Award Jacket/Blanket: Award Jackets/Blanket is to be ordered at an appropriate time as soon as student qualifies in academics, athletics, band, cheerleading, or UIL.
  • Band/Cheerleader Awards: Qualifications for the Band awards will be determined by the Band Director and the High School Principal. Qualifications for the Cheerleader Awards will be determined by the Cheerleader Sponsor and the High School Principal.
  • Honor Roll: For a student’s name to appear on the "A" honor roll, the student must have no grade lower than a 90 for each subject, including citizenship. For a student’s name to appear on the "B" honor roll, the student must have no grade lower than an 80 for each subject, including citizenship.
  • Honor Graduates: Honor graduates will be those seniors who are members in good standing of the National Honor Society.

Career and Technology Programs
The purpose and intents of the program are to develop new and/or improve Career and Technology Education (CATE) programs with the full participation of individuals who are members of special populations. Funds shall be used to provide CATE programs of such size, scope, and quality as to be effective; integrate academic and CATE education; and provide equitable participation in CATE programs for special populations students. The basis for planning and conduction Career and Technology Education in Texas is for students to have access through sequences of courses designed for a career concentration so students achieve both academic and occupational competencies.

Class Rank/Top Ten Percent

Class ranking will be determined as for class valedictorian and salutatorian, using a grade average system which averages the actual numeric grade to the ten thousandth of a point (.0000). Those students who follow the recommended plan and complete 4 units of English (PreAP and AP), 3 units of mathematics (Algebra I and above), 3 units of science (excluding introductory courses), 1 unit of World History 1 unit of Government, and 1 unit of Free Enterprise will be ranked first. Those students who follow the minimum plan and complete 4 units of English, 3 units of mathematics, 2 units of science, 1 unit of American History, 1 unit of U.S. Government, and 1 unit of Free Enterprise will be ranked next. If a student fails a course in these curriculum areas, those failing grades will also be computed in the GPA along with that course’s passing grade. Any class below standard level will not be figured into class ranking. Any class not taught directly by Springlake-Earth personnel will not be figured into class ranking.

Beginning with the 9th graders for the year 2001-2002, all classes will count toward class ranking. Classes will be grouped into five different categories which have a graduated multiplier attached to the grade for the purpose of ranking only. For example, if a student makes a 90 on a Tier 5 class, the student will receive a 90 in the gradebook and on the transcript, but will receive a 99 for ranking purposes. For a copy of the weights and adjusted point values, please contact the high school office at 257-3819.

For two school years following their graduation, District graduates who ranked in the top ten percent of their graduating class are eligible for admission into four-year public universities and colleges in Texas. Students and parents should contact the counselor for further information about how to apply and the deadline for application.

For further information, see policies at EIC.

Other Scholarships and Grants
Students who have financial need according to federal criteria and who complete the Recommended High School Program or Distinguished Achievement Program may be eligible under the Texas Grant Program for tuition and fees to Texas public universities, community colleges, and technical schools, as well as to private institutions. For further information, see the principal or counselor and policies at EIC and EJ.

Class Schedule Changes

All schedule changes must be approved by the Principal. Students who drop a class after the 10th day of the semester will be assigned a grade of 50 for the semester or year depending upon whether the course is one or two semesters.

Students, who through counseling by the Principal, teachers, and parents, have registered for an academic course which they decide is not within their grasp because of inadequate preparation and background, or to change to another track, may change courses without penalty.

Computer Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of our access to the Internet is to promote research and education among the student body and faculty of Springlake-Earth ISD. The use of any account must be in accordance with the educational objectives of the Springlake-Earth Independent School District. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. The availability and use of the Internet is not a right, but a privilege intended to enhance the curriculum established by the district. The administrators of the computer system within each campus will deem what use is acceptable and what is inappropriate; all decisions will be final and supported by the administration of Springlake-Earth ISD.

The Internet is a unique resource that allows the user to connect to numerous other computers around the world. Teachers will have the ability to communicate through e-mail with people all over the world. Students and teachers will be able to access various informational databanks as well as provide information from their own research and experiments to other users of the Internet.

With this influx of information, there arises the opportunity for abuse by the user or directed toward the user. Springlake-Earth ISD has taken every precaution to restrict the access of any controversial materials and to promote the safety of each student.

Please note that the Internet is an association of diverse communication and information networks. It is possible that your child may run across areas of adult content and some material you might fund objectionable. While the District will take reasonable steps to preclude access to such material and does not condone such access, it is not possible for us to absolutely prevent such access.

Springlake-Earth ISD requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of the resources provided by the district. The responsibility for any infraction lies with the user, and that user will be held accountable. The account of a user not following proper procedures will be restricted or terminated. The building principal will determine if further disciplinary action is required.

In signing the student agreement form and the parental consent form, the parties agree to follow the procedures and accept the terms and conditions set forth in this document. This signature is binding and must be in the possession of the building principal to obtain access to the Internet under the guardianship of Springlake-Earth ISD.


  1. Warranties
    1. Springlake-Earth ISD make no guarantee that the system and services provided will be fault proof or without defect and will not be held responsible for the accuracy or quality of any information obtained via the Internet. The district will not be held responsible for any damage that may occur, including but not limited to loss of information, interruption of data, accuracy of data, quality of data obtained or stored on the system. Springlake-Earth ISD will not be held responsible for any financial obligations arising through unauthorized purchases or commercial ventures on the system.
    2. Every possible precaution is taken with the privacy of the user in mind but all persons should realize that the Internet is not a secure network and that electronic communication (e-mail) is not always completely private. Springlake-Earth ISD accepts no responsibility for any damage done directly or indirectly by the inadvertent mishandling of e-mail.
  2. Copyright
    1. S-E ISD expects all computer users to abide by all copyright laws and license agreements pertaining to software packages used in the district.
    2. Students will not be permitted to load or download any computer software without the written consent of the building principal.
    3. Copying of district owned or personal software is strictly prohibited.
    4. Plagiarizing information from the Internet is an act of theft. Any student caught plagiarizing will be subject to the disciplinary action outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Security
    1. Only student authorized to use a computer account may do so.
    2. A secure password will be maintained at all times. Students must keep his/her password confidential.
    3. Access or the attempt to gain access to passwords or restricted areas will result in termination of computer privileges and/or any other penalty determined by the building principal.
    4. Users of the computer system have a responsibility to inform a computer administrator if a security problem is suspected or identified.
    5. To maintain security, the district reserves the right to review personal files at anytime. A search will be conducted if there is sufficient suspicion or evidence to warrant an investigation. This will be determined by the building principal.
    6. The student’s parents have the right at any time to see the contents of their student’s files.
    7. Knowingly or inadvertently spreading a computer virus will result in a suspension of computer privileges and will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct.
    8. The modification, damage, or destruction of software is prohibited.
    9. A student knowingly bringing prohibited materials into the school’s electronic environment will be subject to a suspension and/or a revocation of privileges on the District’s system and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
    10. Any student who logs on during non-school hours must obtain permission and supervision from a faculty member.
    11. Students who wish to log on during non-school hours in the library will be under the supervision of the student’s parent or guardian.
  4. Personal Safety
    Every effort is made to maintain the integrity of the computer system and to protect the students from unacceptable materials by providing a well-structured and safe learning environment. Responsibility for personal safety lies with the user by:
    1. Not giving their real name, address, or phone numbers.
    2. Not agreeing to meet with someone who has been met on the Internet without parental knowledge or approval.
    3. Not releasing school information such as addresses or phone numbers.
    4. Realizing that all information is not always accurate or truthful.
    5. Reporting any message or site that the user feels is inappropriate or undesirable.
  5. District Web Site
    1. The district will establish a web site and will develop web pages that will present information about the district. Web pages will be developed by and edited by the Springlake-Earth webmaster classes.
    2. School or Class Web Pages
      1. Schools or classes may publish and link to the District’s site Web pages that present information about the school or class activities, subject to approval from the Webmaster. The campus principal will designate the staff member responsible for managing the campus’s Web page under the supervision of the District’s Webmaster.
      2. Teachers will be responsible for compliance with District rules in maintaining their class Web pages. Any links from a school or class Web page to sites outside the District’s computer system must receive approval from the District Webmaster.
    3. Student Web Pages
      1. With the approval of the District technology coordinator, students may establish individual Web pages linked to a campus or District Web site; however, all material presented on a student’s Web page must be related to the student’s educational activities.
      2. Student Web pages must include the following notice: "This is a student Web page. Opinions expressed on this page shall not be attributed to the District."
      3. Any links from a student’s Web page to sites outside the District’s computer system must receive approval from the District Webmaster.
    4. Extracurricular Organization Web Pages
      1. With the approval of the District Webmaster, extracurricular organizations may establish Web pages linked to a campus of District Web site; however, all material presented on the Web page must relate specifically to organization activities.
      2. The sponsor of the organization will be responsible for compliance with District rules for maintaining the Web page.
      3. Web pages of extracurricular organizations must include the following notice: "This is a student extracurricular organization Web page. Opinions expressed on this page shall not be attributed to the District."
      4. Any links from the Web page of an extracurricular organization to sites outside the District’s computer system must receive approval from the District Webmaster.
    5. Personal Web Pages
      District employees, Trustees, and members of the public will not be permitted to publish personal Web pages using District resources.
  6. Internet Access
    1. An account agreement must be signed by both parent and student before the student will be allowed access to the Internet. Parents have the right to withdraw permission at anytime.
    2. Any material produced to be placed on the Internet must be approved by the building principal. All materials must relate to school or educational activities.
    3. All eligible students will have equal access to the Internet resources. Exploration of the Internet for educational purposes is encouraged, but no single user should monopolize a computer or network it uses. Personal files may be removed if total system space becomes low.
    4. An Internet account may not be used for any commercial purpose.
  7. Netiquette
    All users are expected to abide by rules of etiquette when using the network. Following is a list of examples, but rules are not limited to only these.
    1. Politeness. Verbal abuse is not acceptable. Messages typed in capital letters are the computer equivalent of shouting and are considered rude.
    2. Appropriate language must be used at all times. Swearing, vulgarity, ethnic or racial slurs, and any other inflammatory language are prohibited. The Student Code of Conduct rules apply to language used on the Internet.
    3. Pretending to be someone else when sending/receiving messages is considered inappropriate.
    4. Transmitting obscene messages or pictures is prohibited.
    5. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden, and Code of Conduct rules will be enforced.
    6. Personal addresses, phone numbers, and information of students and faculty should not be released on the Internet or through email. No email should be considered private.
    7. Any use of the network that disrupts the ability of others to successfully use the network is prohibited.
    8. Wording should be chosen carefully because context clues or voice inflections are not conveyed over the net.
    9. Harassment, as defined in the Student Code of Conduct, is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with in accordance with S-E ISD Policy.
    10. False, defamatory, and/or inflammatory information about another person or information that will damage or disrupt the system is prohibited.
  8. Vandalism
    1. Vandalism is the malicious attempt to destroy or harm District data or hardware, data of another user of the District's system or any users connected to the Internet. This includes but is not limited to the uploading of viruses and worms.
    2. Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance may be viewed as violation of District policy and Student Code of Conduct and, possibly, as criminal activity under applicable state and federal laws.
    3. Monetary responsibility lies with the student and/or parent if repair or replacement of software or hardware is necessary if the damage was caused by careless use or vandalism.
    4. It is the user’s responsibility to report any misuse of software or hardware to the computer administrators, teacher, or teaching assistants. Knowingly suppressing information about vandalism could result in loss of computer privileges and disciplinary action.
    5. Programs developed to harass are strictly prohibited and will result in loss of computer privileges and disciplinary action.
    6. Vandalism as defined above will result in the cancellation of system use privileges and will require restitution for costs associated with system restoration, hardware or software costs.
  9. Consequences of Inappropriate Network Behavior
    1. In the event that there is a claim that the student has violated the network guidelines or the District’s Student Code of Conduct in his/her use of the school’s or District’s file servers, the student will be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the District’s Code of conduct.
    2. Any user who does not comply with this Acceptable Use Policy will held accountable according to the Springlake-Earth Student Code of Conduct. Unauthorized use of the network, intentional deletion or damage to files and data belonging to other users, or copyright violations may be termed theft under state and/or federal law.
    3. The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the District's electronic communication system.

Termination / Revocation of System of System User Account Disclaimer

Termination of an employee’s or a student’s access for violation of District policies or regulations will be effective on the date the principal or District coordinator receives notice of student withdrawal or of revocation of system privileges, or on a future date if so specified in the notice.

The District’s system is provided on an "as is, as available" basis. The District does not make any warranties, whether express or implied, including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any services provided by the system and any information or software contained therein. The District does not warrant that the functions or services performed by, or that the information or software contained on the system will meet the system user’s requirements, or that the system will be uninterrupted or error free, or that defect will be corrected.

Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third-party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not the District.

The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the District’s electronic communications system.

Correspondence Work

A total of two units (two credits) may be completed through correspondence courses from Texas Tech University or from the University of Texas. Seniors carrying such must have completed the examination and the school must have received the official final grade before graduation, or that student will not participate in the graduation exercises. All correspondence work for Springlake-Earth High School credit must be secured through the high school office, and the application for such work must be signed by the Principal. This is necessary in order to maintain accurate records of the student's work and to insure his/her receiving credit. All courses must be courses offered by the S-E ISD as part of the curriculum.

By special permission and in order to graduate in a three or four year period, a student may be permitted to take additional courses.

Those students who plan to graduate early must have their correspondence work completed and cleared through the office by the first day of classes for their senior year. Any work deemed not fitting the schedule of graduation requirements for Springlake-Earth High School will be adjusted. These grades will neither count for nor against ranking.


Academic Counseling
Students and their parents are encouraged to talk with a school counselor, teacher, or principal to learn about course offerings, the graduation requirements of various programs, and early graduation procedures. Each spring, students in grades 8 through 11 will be provided information on anticipated course offerings for the next year and other information that will help to make the most of academic and vocational opportunities.

To plan for the future, including attendance at a college, university, or training school or pursuing some other type of advanced education, students should work closely with the counselor in order to take the high school courses that best prepare them. The counselor can also provide information about entrance exams and deadlines for application, as well as information about automatic admission to state colleges and universities, financial aid, housing, and scholarships.

Personal Counseling
The school counselor is available to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns, including such areas as social, family, or emotional issues, or substance abuse. The counselor may also make available information about community resources to address these concerns.

Please note: The school will not conduct a psychological examination, test, or treatment without first obtaining the parent's written consent, unless required by state or federal law for special education purposes or by the Texas Education Agency for child abuse investigation and reports. For more information refer to policy FFE and FFG (Exhibit).

Credit by Exam

Credit by Exam--If a Student Has Taken the Course
A student who has received prior instruction in a course or subject--but did not receive credit for it--may, in circumstances determined by the teacher and the counselor or principal, be permitted to earn credit by passing an exam on the essential knowledge and skills defined for the course or subject. To receive credit, a student must score at least 70 on the exam. In other instances, the District administration will determine whether any opportunity for credit by exam will be offered.

The attendance review committee may offer a student with excessive absences and opportunity to receive credit for a course by passing an exam. A student may not use this exam, however, to regain eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities. For more information, see the counselor and policy EEJA.

Credit by Exam--If a Student Has Not Taken the Course
A student will be permitted to take an exam to earn credit for an academic course for which the student has no prior instruction. The dates on which exams are scheduled during the 2003-2004 school year include:

August 11th, 12th, and 13th of 2004
January 2nd, June 23th, and June 24th of 2005.
The exams that will be offered are all courses offered under 19TAC74.2 and 19TAC74.3 (b) (2) (a).

The passing score required to earn credit on an exam is 90.

If the student plans to take an exam, the student (or parent) must register with the principal no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date. With prior approval, the District will honor a request by a parent to administer a test approved by the Superintendent or designee on a date other than the published dates.

Dual Credit Courses/College Courses/Classes Offered

The Springlake-Earth Senior High School is fully accredited by the Texas Education Agency and credits for work completed here are recognized by other high schools and colleges of the State and Nation. All courses listed will address the TEKS as mandated by TEC 28.001, 28.002, 028.004, 08.005, 29.051, 29.055. A copy of these may be obtained from the high school Principal's office.

English I, II, III, IV Personal & Family Development
Pre AP English I, II Apparel/Interior Design
AP English III, IV Parenting & Child Development
ESL I, II Food Technology/Nutrition
Reading I, II x
Communication Applications Intro Ag Science/App Science
Intro Ag Mechanics/Metal Fab
Spanish I, II, III Wildlife/Animal Science (Jr/Sr only)
x Biotechnology/Food Technology
Algebra I, II Metal Fab/Ag Structures
Geometry Per.Skills Dev/Equine Science
Math Models
Pre-Calculus Integrated Physics & Chemistry
AP Calculus AB Biology
x Chemisty
World Geography Physics
World History
US Government Keyboarding/Word Processing
Free Enterprise Business Com. Info. Systems I, IIx
US History Accounting I, II
x Word Processing Applications
Health Computer Science I, II
Sports Independent Studies in Tech App
Band Web Mastering (online news)
Art Multimedia
Music History
**Tech Prep (Business Com. Info. Systems I and Accounting)
a a
*AP Online Classes Dual Credit/ITV Courses
AP Calculus US History
AP Physics College Algebra
AP Biology English Composition
AP Spanish (sub for Spanish III) Psychology
AP US Government US Governement
AP Chemistry Art History
AP English Language Intro to Speech Communication
AP English Literature Western Civilization
AP US History College Trig
a a
**A passing grade of 70 and above will gain local credit for Tech Prep courses, but a grade of 80 or above must be attained to receive Tech Prep college credit along with local credit.

Courses for Graduation Requirements:

(22 credits)
(24 credits)
a a a
English 4 credits 4 credits
a English I, II, III, IV English I, II, III, IV AP
Math 3 credits 3 credits
a must include Alg I (and Geometry for freshmen entering in 2000-01) Alg I, II, Geometry
a a
a a
Science 2 credits 3 credits
a must include one from either Biology, Intro Phys & Chem, or Physics selected from Biology, Intro Phys & Chem, Physics, Chemistry, AP Biology
a a
Social Studies 2.5 credits 3.5 credits
a W. Geog. or W. Hist. W. Geog. and W. Hist.
US Hist, US Govt (.5) US Hist, US Govt (.5)
Economics .5 credit .5 credit
Science/Social Studies Elective 1 credit Not applicable
selected from either W. Hist. OR W. Geog. OR Science a
a a
Foreign Language None 2 credits
a a Spanish I, II
Physical Education 1.5 credits 1.5 credits
a Limit 2 credits towards graduation includes 1/2 credit in Foundations of Personal Fitness
a a
Health Education .5 credit .5 credit
Technology 1 credit 1 credit
Fine Arts None 1 credit
Comm. App. .5 credit .5 credit
a a a
Program Credits
Elective Credits
Total Credits

Credits earned by students in residence at other accredited high schools during either regular or summer sessions are accepted by Springlake-Earth High School, provided the courses fit the schedule of graduation requirements listed above. For further information see Correspondence Work.

Upon the recommendation of the ARD committee, a student receiving special education services will be permitted to graduate under the provisions of his or her IEP. See principal for more information.

Course Requirements for Grades 6, 7, & 8

Subject Requirements for 6th graders
English 1 unit
Reading 1 unit
Math 1 unit
Science 1 unit
Social Studies 1 unit
PE 1 unit
Band 1 unit
Health taught in science
Keyboarding 1 unit
a a
Subject Requirements for 7th graders
English 1 unit
Reading 1 unit
Reading 1 unit
Science 1 unit
Texas History/Geography 1 unit
PE/Athletics 1 unit
Band 1 unit
Keyboarding 1 unit
a a
Subject Requirements for 8th graders
English 1 unit
Reading 1 unit
Math 1 unit
Earth Science 1 unit
US History/Citizenship 1 unit
PE/Athletics 1 unit
Band/Art 1 unit
Keyboarding 1 unit

Dues, Classes and Organizations
Organization dues are to be determined on the basis of need and must be approved by the sponsor and administration.

Class dues will be set by the individual classes with the approval of the class sponsor and the school adminiistration. The dues will not exceed the following amounts:

9th and 10th grade--$2.00aaaaaaaaaaa11th and 12th grade--$5.00

Exemptions for Semester Tests
Seniors with the following grade averages and attendance records are exempt from taking a semester exam in the courses in which they qualify. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors with the following grade averages and attendance records are exempt from taking a semester exam in a maximum of four (4) subjects per semester. No freshman, sophomore, or junior may be exempt in the same course(s) more than once per school year.

Semester Average
Allowed Absences

Any student with an unexcused absence in a class will NOT be exempt in that class. Any student having lost his/her privilege to participate in extracurricular activites due to conduct problems or having been a frequent visitor to the office due to discipline problems will NOT be eligible for semester test exemptions.

Students who are exempt, including students in study halls and those helping as faculty aides, are required to report to school during the time in which roll is taken and must stay a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in a disignated area. Penalty for not reporting to school: If a student is exempt from taking semester tests and does not report to school that day, he/she will receive a zero ("0") on all his/her semester tests that he/she was exempt from that day. Students would also lose exemptions for the next semester.

Extracurricular Activities, Clubs, and Organizations
Participation in school and school-related activities is an excellent way for a student to develop talents, receive individual recognition, and build strong friendships with other students; participation, however, is a privilege, not a right.

Eligibility for participation in many of these activities is governed by state law as well as rules of the university Interscholastic League (UIL)--a statewide association overseeing interdistrict competition. The following requirements apply to all extracurricular activities:

Cheerleader Elections

On June 23, 2004, the cheerleading sponsors (Diane York--High School and Kim Perry--Junior High) met with Mr. Conkin and Mr. Vaughn to discuss possible changes to the method for selecting cheerleaders as well as some guidelines that will be changed to be able to tryout for cheerleader and remain a cheerleader.

  1. In order for a student to be eligible to tryout for cheerleader, he/she must be passing all subjects at the most recnt reporting period (3 weeks or 6 weeks) and must have an overall GPA of 80 or better for the same reporting period.
  2. Cheerleaders will be selected in the following manner:
    • The students GPA will account for 20% of the total calculation----this will include all classes.
    • The student's attendance rate will account for 20% of the total calculation. Tardies will be included in this indirectly as three tardies will equal one absence.
    • The student's tryout before a panel of judges will account for 60% of the total calculation.
    • If there should be any ties after the final calculations, all ties will be broken by reverting back to the score received from the panel of judges on the tryout itself.
  3. Once a cheerleader has been selected, he/she must maintain the same criteria as spelled out in change #1 above. If a cheerleader fails to maintain the criteria, he/she will be givn the next available grading period to regain compliance. If the student fails to do so, he/she will be removed from the cheerleading squad.

Student clubs and performing groups such as the band, drill, and athletic teams may establish rules of conduct--and consequences of misbehavior--that are stricter than those for students in general. If a violation of school rules, the consequences specified by the school shall apply in addition to any consequences specified by the organization.

Conflicts in Scheduling Activities
Some courses such as sports, agriculture, and band require extra time outside of the regular school hours. The following principles should serve to resolve most conflicts:

Students who go on 4H trips must have a letter in the office from the County Agent authorizing the trip. These students will be held to the same extracurricular policies.

FFA, Regulation Governing Field Trips
Eligibility and number of days allowed will be determined by the school administration. See extracurricular activities. Any agriculture event which requires students to miss classes will be considered a FFA field trip and students must be under the supervision of an Ag teacher or county agent. Teachers may require that students get their work in ahead of time.

All students are required to check-out through the Principal's office before leaving on a field trip. Any student who fails to do so will receive an unexcused absence for each day missed.

Honor Society
Membership in the National Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. No student has a right to be selected for membership in a chapter of the National Honor Society. Students selected for membership are expected to continue to demonstrate the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

Membership is granted only to those students selected by the five member faculty council. These members are appointed by the principal.

Membership may be open to qualified sophomores, juniors, and senior. Freshmen are not eligible. Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester.

To be considered for membership, students must be on the recommended plan. The classes used to determine the grade point average are those stipulated by the National Honor Society faculty council and the high school principal. The minimum grade point average is 90 for sophomores, 88 for juniors, and 85 for seniors. All previously enrolled students must have an 85 cumulative grade point average. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of leadership, service, and character. The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council. Membership will not be based solely on grades alone as they (the council) are violating the Constitution and placing their charters in jeopardy

Student Council
Springlake-Earth High School is a member of the Texas Association of Student Councils and strives to have an active Student Council.

Wolverine Pride
Wolverine Pride is a high school program which promotes pride in students and their school. It seeks to promote attendance, good citizenship, and academic success. Students qualify by the following criteria:

Offices and Elections
All student body elections will be held by secret ballot. Ballots will be counted under the supervision of the sponsor and balloting will continue until a clear majority decision is reached. This will be the responsibility of the Student Council and its sponsor. Ballots will be kept in the Principal's office until the end of the year as a matter of record.

Grade Classification
Students are classified according to the number of units earned toward graduation.

Freshmen less than 5 credits
Sophomores 5 credits
Juniors 10 credits
Seniors 15 or more credits

Students entering 9th grade during or after 2000-2001 are classified as follows:

Freshmen less than 6 credits
Sophomores 6 credits
Juniors 12 credits
Seniors 18 or more credits

Grade Point Average

A student's cumulative grade point average is figured on the same courses used for class ranking.


Requirements for a Diploma
To receive a high school diploma from the District, a student must successfully complete the required number of credits and pass a statewide exit-level exam. This exam will cover English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies and will require knowledge of Algebra I, Geometry, biology, Integrated Chemistry and Physics, English III, and early American and United States History.

Handicapped students may be permitted to graduate with ARD committee recommendation under the provision of their IEP and with the consent of the ARD committee and their parents.

Graduation Programs
The District offers the following graduation programs. The counselor can help you decide which program is best for you. See policy EIF.

Beginning in the 2004-2005 school year, all students in grade 9 will be required to enroll in the Recommended High School Program or distinguished Achievement Program. Permission to complete the Minimum Graduation Plan would be granted only if an agreement were reached among:

Valedictory and Salutatory Honors
The graduating seniors who rank first and second in scholarship are honored at the commencement exercise each year. Semester grades will be counted except for the second semester of the senior year in which GPA will be computed with a cut-off date of the third week of the 6th 6 weeks. The student must carry a full schedule of courses each of the years and must have been a student of Springlake-Earth for the last three years.

Graduation Expenses
Because students and parents will incur expenses in order to participate in the traditions of graduation, such as the purchase of invitations, senior ring, cap and gown, and senior picture, both student and parent should monitor progress toward completion of all requirements for graduation. The expenses often are incurred in the junior and senior year.

Special Programs

The district provides special programs for gifted and talented students, homeless students, bilingual students, migrant students, students with limited English proficiency, dyslexic students, and students with disabilities. Students or parents with questions about these programs should contact the principal; the coordinator of each program can answer questions about eligibility requirements and programs and services offered in the district or by other organizations.


Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education--to benefit from teacher-led activities, to build each day's learning on that of the previous day, and to grow as an individual. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student's mastery of the instructional materials; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Two state laws, one dealing with compulsory attendance, the other with attendance for course credit, are of special interest to students and parents.

Compulsory Attendance
The state compulsory attendance law requires that a student between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend school and District-required tutorial sessions unless the student is otherwise legally exempted or excused. A student who voluntarily attends or enrolls after his or her eighteenth birthday is required to attend each school day. However, if a student 18 or older has more than five unexcused absences is a semester, the District may revoke the student's enrollment. The student's presence on school property is then unauthorized and may be considered trespass.

School employees must investigate and report violations of the state compulsory attendance law. A student absent from school without permission from any class, from required special programs, such as basic skills for ninth graders, or from required tutorials will be considered truant and subject to disciplinary action. Truancy may also result in assessment of penalties by a court of law against both the student and his or her parents. A complaint against the parent may be filed in the appropriate court if the student:

Attendance for Credit
To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. A student who attends fewer than 90 percent of the days the class is offered may be referred to the attendance review committee to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and how the student can regain credit. In determining whether there were extenuating circumstances for the absences, the attendance committee will use the guidelines as per policy FEC (Local).

The actual number of days a student must attend in order to receive credit will depend on whether the class is for a full semester or for a full year.

A student must be present 2/3 of a class period to be counted present.

When a student must be absent from school, the student -- upon returning to school -- must bring a note, signed by the parent, which describes the reason for the absence. A note signed by the student, even with the parent's permission, will not be accepted unless the student is 18 or older.

Admission slips will be marked unexcused until a statement is brought from home. A written excuse must be presented to the office within two days. If not, the student will serve the next available Saturday School. Upon completion of Saturday School, the student may turn in missed assignments for a score of up to a maximum grade of 70. If an excuse is not received, the absence will be left unexcused.

Students who were absent for doctor's appointments will be required to bring a written confirmation from the doctor. A student with a doctor's appointment need not miss an entire day of school. Every effort should be made to be in school as much as possible, both before and after the appointment.

Student absences due to illness of immediate members of the family, the death of a relative, or to other unavoidable causes are excusable absences and entitle the student to make-up work missed during the absence. A student will receive one day for make-up work for each school day missed to be turned in at the next scheduled class date. However, if a due dated is set on a long-term project prior to the absence, the work is due at the next scheduled class. The student must take the initiative in such make-up work and must not expect the teacher to remind him/her to do so. The teacher can use the following discipline management techniques: (1) zero for uncompleted work, or (2) require detention. Additional class work will not be missed to make up missed work.

When a student receives a reinstatement permit, he/she must take it to each class missed, showing it to each teacher. Each teacher will initial it and hand it back to the student.

Family Days
In order to take a family day, the student must be currently passing all classes. This will be excused, but must be planned prior to the absence. The parent must contact the Principal, in writing, at least two (2) days in advance, the only exception being funerals and observances of a religious holy day. Each principal has special forms requesting a family day.

In regard to family days, students and parents should know that even though a family day is considered an excused absence, a family day does not necessarily give the student an excuse to miss an extracurricular activity. Extracurricular activities usually involve team effort; therefore absences can be very disruptive. Prior to taking the family day, the student must talk with the coach of the extracurricular activity that will be missed to discuss that impact and consequences of the absence.

The maximum number of family days allowed is two (2) per year and will count against exemptions as an excused absence. Should a student be absent from school and attend or participate in an extracurricular activity that day, the absence will be unexcused unless prior permission is obtained.

Family day absences will not be approved for scheduled six-week tests, semester tests and the day before or during statewide assessments.

College Day Absence
Seniors will be allowed one (1) college visitation day. College days must be taken prior to May 1st. In order for the student to receive and excused absence for the college day, he/she must:

If the above conditions are met, the college day (excused absence) will not count for the purpose of determining final exam exemptions.

Unexcused Tardies
All tardies are unexcused unless the student is detained by a teacher and that teacher writes a note excusing the student for being late to class. After the third tardy of a semester, each tardy will result in disciplinary action by the Principal. Discipline for additional tardies will be at the discretion of the Principal. More than three tardies in any one class per semester will result in a student receiving an unexcused absence and a zero for any grades taken that day.

Communicable Diseases/Conditions
To protect other students from contagious illnesses, students infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while contagious. The school nurse or principal's office can provide information from the Texas Department of Health regarding the diseases. A list of excludable diseases is maintained on the Texas Department of Health web site at www.tdh.state.tx.us/ideas/report/report.htm.

Parents of a student with a communicable or contagious disease should phone the school nurse or principal so that other students who might have been exposed to the disease can be alerted.

Bacterial Meningitis
State law requires the district to provide the following information:
(A Spanish version of this prescribed notice is available on TEA's Web site at: www.tea.state.tx.us/taa/comm020802a.html.)

What is meningitis?
Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria. Viral meningitis is most common and the least serious. Bacterial meningitis is the most common form of serious bacterial infection with the potential for serious, long-term complications. It is an uncommon disease, but requires urgent treatment with antibiotics to prevent permanent damage or death.

What are the symptons?
Someone with meningitis will become very ill. The illness may develop over one or two days, but it can also rapidly progress in a matter of hours. Not everyone with meningitis will have the same symptoms.

Children (over 1 year old) and adults with meningitis may have a sever headache, high temperature, vomiting, sensitivity to bright lights, neck stiffness or joint pains, and drowsiness or confusion. In both children and adults, there may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots. These can occur anywhere on the body.

The diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is based on a combination of symptoms and laboratory results.

How serious is bacterial meningitis?
If it is diagnosed early and treated promptly, the majority of people make a complete recovery. In some cases it can be fatal or a person may be left with a permanent disability.

How is Bacterial meningitis spread?
Fortunately, none of the bacteria that cause meningitis are as contagious as diseases like the common cold or the flu, and they are not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been. The germs live naturally in the back of our noses and throats, but they do not live for long outside the body. They are spread when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing; sharing drinking containers, utensils, or cigarettes).

The germ does not cause meningitis in most people. Instead, most people become carriers of the germ for days, weeks, or even months. The bacteria rarely overcome the body's immune system and cause meningitis or another serious illness.

How can bacterial meningitis be prevented?
Do not share food, drinks, utensils, toothbrushes, or cigarettes. Limit the number of persons you kiss.

While there are vaccines for some other strains of bacterial meningitis, they are used only in special circumstances. These include when there is a disease outbreak in a community or for people traveling to a country where there is a high risk of getting the disease. Also, a vaccine is recommended by some groups for college students, particularly freshmen living in dorms or residence halls. The vaccine is safe and effective (85-90 percent). It can cause mild side effects, such as redness and pain at the injection site lasting up t two days. Immunity develops within seven to ten days after the vaccine is given and lasts for up to five years.

What should you do if you thik you or a friend might have bacterial meningitis?
You should seek prompt medical attention.

Where can you get more informaion?
Your school nurse, family doctor, and the staff at your local or regional health department office are excellent sources for information on all communicable diseases. You may also call your local health department or Regional Texas Department of health office to ask about meningococcal vaccine. Additional information may also be found at the web sites for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, http://www.cdc.gov, and the Texas Department of Health, http://www.tdh.state.tx.us.

Applicability of School Rules
As required by law, the District has developed and adopted a Student Code of Conduct that prohibits certain behaviors and establishes standards of acceptable behaviors–both on and off campus–and consequences for violation of the standards. Students need to be familiar with the standards set out in the Student Code of Conduct, as well as campus and classroom rules.

To achieve the best possible learning environment for all students, the Student Code of Conduct and other campus rules of behavior will apply whenever the interest of the District is involved, on or off school grounds, in conjunction with or independent of classes and school-sponsored activities. The District has disciplinary authority over a student in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment may be used as a discipline management technique in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and policy FO(LOCAL) in the District’s policy manual.

Radios, CD Players, Cell Phones, and other Electronic Devices and Games
Students are not permitted to possess such items as cell phones, pagers, radios, CD players, tape recorders, camcorders, DVD players, cameras, or electronic devices or games at school, unless prior permission has been obtained from the principal and/or teacher or activity sponsor. Without such permission, teachers will collect the item and turn it in to the principal’s office. The principal will determine whether to return the item at the end of the day for the student to take home or whether the parent will be contacted to pick up the item. Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. For certain items, such as cell phones and pagers, an administrative fee may be charged. See policy FNCE.

Our telephone is a business phone. The phone will be used by the students only in an emergency. No student will use the phone except by permission of the Principal or the Secretary in his absence.

Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, or Disability
Students must not engage in harassment behaviors motivated by race, color, religion, national origin, or disability directed toward another student.

Students are expected to treat other students and District employees with courtesy and respect; to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive; and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop.

The District encourages parental and student support in its efforts to address and prevent harassment in any form in the public schools. Students and/or parents are encouraged to discuss their questions or concerns about the expectations in this area with a teacher, counselor, principal or designee.

A student who believes he or she has been harassed by another student or by a District employee is encouraged to report the incident to the principal or designee. The allegations will be investigated and addressed. A substantiated complaint against a student will result in disciplinary action, according to the nature of the offense and the Student Code of Conduct.

The student or a parent may appeal the decision of the principal regarding the outcome of the investigation in accordance with policy FNG(LOCAL). See also policy FNCL.

Sexual Harassment/Sexual Abuse
Students must not engage in unwanted and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward another student or a District employee. This prohibition applies whether the conduct is by word, gesture, or any other sexual conduct, including requests for sexual favors. All students are expected to treat other students and District employees with courtesy and respect, to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive, and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop.

The District will notify the parents of all students involved in sexual harassment by students when the allegations are not minor, and will notify parents of any incident of sexual harassment or sexual abuse by an employee. To the greatest extent possible, complaints will be treated as confidential. Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation. A complaint alleging sexual harassment by another student or sexual harassment or sexual abuse by a staff member may be presented by a student and/or parent in a conference with the principal or designee or with the Title IX coordinator.

The student or parent may appeal the decision regarding the outcome of the investigation in accordance with policy FNCJ(LOCAL).

Law Enforcement Agencies

Questioning of Students
When law enforcement officers or other lawful authorities wish to question or interview a student at school:

Students Taken Into Custody
State law requires the District to permit a student to be taken into legal custody:

Before a student is released to a law enforcement officer or other legally authorized person, the principal will verify the officer’s identity and, to the best of his or her ability, will verify the officials’ authority to take custody of the student.

The principal will immediately notify the Superintendent and will ordinarily attempt to notify the parent unless the officer or other authorized person raises what the principal considers to be a valid objection to notifying the parents. Because the principal does not have the authority to prevent or delay a custody action, notification will most likely be after the fact.

Notification of Law Violations
The District is also required by state law to notify:

The Asbestos Management Plan is located in the Superintendent's Office; for information about any location containing or assuming to contain asbestos contact Dr. Gary Bigham at 806-257-3310.

Distribution of Published Materials or Documents

School Materials
Publications prepared by and for the school may be posted or distributed, with prior approval by the principal, sponsor, or teacher. Such items may include school posters, brochures, murals, etc.

All school publications are under the supervision of a teacher, sponsor, and the principal.

Student Nonschool Materials
Unless a student obtains specific prior approval from the principal, written materials, handbills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes, posters, or other visual or auditory materials over which the school does not exercise control may not be posted, sold, circulated, or distributed on any school campus. To be considered, any nonschool material must include the name of the sponsoring organization or individual. The decision regarding approval will be made in two school days.

The student may appeal the principal’s decision in accordance with policy FNG(LOCAL). Any student who posts material without prior approval will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Materials displayed without this approval will be removed.

Nonstudent Nonschool Materials
Written or printed materials, handbills, photographs, pictures, films, tapes, or other visual or auditory materials over which the District does not exercise control shall not be sold, circulated, or distributed by persons or groups not associated with the school or a school support group on school premises unless the person or group obtains specific prior approval from the Superintendent or designee. To be considered, any nonschool material must include the name of the sponsoring organization or individual.

The requestor may appeal the Superintendent or designee’s decision in accordance with policy GF(LOCAL).

Student Fees
Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided with state and local funds and are at no charge to a student. A student, however, is expected to provide his or her own pencils, paper, erasers, and notebooks and may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits, including:

State-approved textbooks are provided free of charge for each subject or class; students are required to use these books carefully. Books must be covered by the student, as directed by the teacher. Students who are issued a damaged book should report that fact to the teacher. Any student failing to return a book issued by the school shall lose the right to free textbooks until the book is returned or paid for by the parent or guardian.

Students should keep books properly covered at all times. Charges for damaged or lost books will be made according to the following schedule:

Broken cover (front or back) $5.00
Broken cover (front and back) $10.00
Broken or loose spine $5.00
Pages torn or cut $1.50
Pages torn out of or cut out $2.00
Water damage $3.00 — total price of the book
Writing on pages or cover $1.00 per page
Lost book Total price of the book
Unusable book due to extreme damage Total price of the book

Student clubs or classes, outside organizations, and/or parent groups occasionally may be permitted to conduct fund-raising drives for approved school purposes. An application for permission must be made to the building principal at least 15 days before the event.

Except as approved by the building principal, fund-raising is not permitted on school property. [For further information, see policies FJ and GE.]

A student must be fully immunized against certain diseases or must present a certificate or statement that, for medical or religious reasons, the student will not be immunized. The immunizations required are: diphtheria, rubeola (measles), mumps, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and varicella (chicken pox). The school nurse can provide information on age-appropriate doses or on an acceptable physician-validated history of illness required by the Texas Department of Health. Proof of immunization may be personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation.

If a student’s religious beliefs conflict with the requirement that the student be immunized, the student must present a statement signed by the student (or by the parent, if the student is a minor) stating that immunization conflicts with the beliefs and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which the student is an adherent or member.

If a student should not be immunized for medical reasons, the student or parent must present a certificate signed by a U.S. licensed physician stating that, in the doctor’s opinion, the immunization required would be harmful to the health and well-being of the student or any member of the student’s family or household. This certificate must be renewed yearly unless the physician specifies a life-long condition. [For further information, see policy FFAB].

Personal Grooming Code

  1. Hair should be away from the face for proper vision.
  2. Hair should be clean and neatly groomed.
  3. Hair should be worn that would be acceptable to community standards.
  4. Boy's hair should be no longer than the top of a dress shirt collar.
  5. When boy's hair is combed down and is longer than the middle of the ear, it must be cut.
  6. No dreadlocks are allowed.
  7. Sideburns will not be worn below the bottom of the ear and must be neatly trimmed.
  8. Neatly trimmed mustaches will be allowed.
  9. No sagging or baggy pants.
  10. The district prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene or that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or drugs.
  11. Insignia of other schools may be worn if it is earned by the individual wearing the item.
  12. No rubber or plastic thongs will be allowed.
  13. No see-through blouses or shirts will be worn.
  14. No halter tops or sun top apparel will be worn.
  15. No tank tops will be worn.
  16. All sleeveless tops and dresses must have shoulder straps that are at least four inches wide or wider. Any dress or shirt which reveals and undergarment is unacceptable.
  17. Shirts made to be worn in will be worn in.
  18. Hats and head scarves will not be worn in the building.
  19. Shirts/blouses should be buttoned to leave one button only at the top.
  20. No shirts/blouses will be worn which allow the chest or midriff to be exposed while either standing or sitting.
  21. Boys will not wear earrings.
  22. No body piercing other than earrings. Girls shall wear no more than two earrings per ear.
  23. Walking shorts and dresses are allowed under the following guidelines:
    • With the student's hand hanging loosely at the side of the leg, the bottom of the shorts or dress is to be one inch below the fingertip of the middle finger or longer.
    • No bikers, umbros, wind-shorts, or cutoffs will be allowed. All shorts must be hemmed.
    • The students must provide an alternate form of clothing at all times if they choose to wear shorts or dresses.
    • Consequence: There is a "No Tolerance" policy in effect for violations of short and dress length. Therefore, one violation will result in the student losing the right to wear shorts or a dress for the remainder of the year.
  24. No "Homies" shirts will be worn.
  25. Any cap worn backwards during an activity outside the regular school day will be taken and kept the remainder of the semester.
  26. If boys are asked to shave--discipline will be administered after the first offense.
  27. No tattoos are allowed. Students who already have tattoos must make sure that tattoos are covered at all times.
  28. Hair that is dyed must be of natural color so as not to cause a distraction to the classroom.
  29. Any item not covered in the above dress code that would reflect discredit on the school will be left to the discretion of the Principal.

Physical Examinations / Health Screenings
A student desiring to participate in the UIL athletic program shall submit annually a statement from a health care provider authorized under UIL rules indicating that the student has been examined and is physically able to participate in the athletic program.

The District may provide additional screening as District and community resources permit.

Parents of students identified through any screening programs as needing treatment or further examination shall be advised of the need and referred to appropriate health agencies.

Each student has a right to individually, voluntarily, and silently pray or meditate in school in a manner that does not disrupt instructional or other activities of the school. The school will not require, encourage, or coerce a student to engage in or to refrain from such prayer or meditation during any school activity.


Accident Insurance
Soon after school opens, parents will have the opportunity to purchase low-cost accident insurance that will help in meeting medical expenses, in the event of injury to their child.

Except for the purchase of insurance against bodily injury sustained by students while training for or engaging in interscholastic athletic competition or while engaging in school-sponsored activities on a school campus, the District, under state law, cannot pay for medical expenses associated with a student’s injury.

Accident Prevention
Student safety on campus and at school-related events is a high priority of the District. Although the District has implemented safety procedures, the cooperation of students is essential to ensure school safety. A student should:

[For further details, refer to the local Crisis Management Plan.]

Drills: Fire, Tornado, and Other Emergencies
From time to time, students, teachers, and other District employees will participate in drills of emergency procedures. When the alarm is sounded, students should follow the direction of teachers or others in charge quickly, quietly, and in an orderly manner.

Fire Drill Bells
3 bells leave the building
1 bell halt; stand at attention
2 bells return to the room
Tornado Drill Bells
1 continuous bell move quietly but quickly to the designated locations
2 bells return to the classroom

Emergency Medical Treatment and Information
If a student has a medical emergency at school or at a school-related activity when the parent cannot be reached, the school will need to have written parental consent to obtain emergency medical treatment, and information about allergies to medications, etc. Therefore, parents are asked each year to complete an emergency care consent form. Parents should keep emergency care information up-to-date (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, allergies, etc.). Please contact the school nurse to update any information.

Weather-Related or Emergency Closing or Delays
Check the following media sources:

Dimmitt radio station 1470 AM KDHN Lubbock TV Channell11
Muleshoe radio station 1380 AM KMUL Lubbock TV Channel 13
Littlefield radio station 1490 AM KZZN Lubbock TV Channel 28
Muleshoe cable

School Facilities

Use of Facilities By Students Before and After School
Certain areas of the school will be accessible to students before and after school for specific purposes. Students are required to remain in the area where their activity is scheduled to take place.

Unless the teacher or sponsor overseeing the activity gives permission, a student will not be permitted to go to another area of the building or campus.

After dismissal of school in the afternoon, and unless involved in an activity under the supervision of a teacher, students must leave campus immediately.

Conduct Before and After School
Teachers and administrators have full authority over student conduct at before- or after-school activities on District premises and at school-sponsored events off District premises, such as play rehearsal, club meetings, athletic practice, and special study groups or tutorials. Students are subject to the same rules of conduct that apply during the instructional day and will be subject to consequences established by the Student Code of Conduct or any stricter code of conduct for participants established by the sponsor in accordance with Board policy.

Loitering or standing in the halls between classes is not permitted. During class time, a student must have a hall pass to be outside the classroom for any purpose. Failure to obtain a pass will result in disciplinary action.

Cafeteria Services
The District participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers students nutritionally balanced lunches daily. Free and reduced-price lunches are available based on financial need. Information about a student’s participation is confidential. See the school nurse to apply.

Lunch prices:
Elementary $1.35
Junior High $1.60
High School $1.60
Adults $2.60

Look at the Springlake-Earth ISD website, http://www.springlake-earth.org, or contact the library for information.

Meetings of Noncurriculum-Related Groups
Students are permitted to meet with noncurriculum-related groups during the hours designated by the principal before and after school. These groups must comply with the requirements found in policy FNAB.

Pest Control Information
The District periodically applies pesticides inside buildings. Except in an emergency, signs will be posted 48 hours before application. Parents who want to be notified prior to pesticide application inside their child(ren)’s school assignment may contact Robert Conkin or National Pesticide Telecommunications Network, 1-800-585-7378


In the interest of promoting student safety and attempting to ensure that schools are safe and drug free, District officials may from time to time conduct searches. Such searches are conducted without a warrant and as permitted by law.

Searches of Students’ Desks and Lockers
Students’ desks and lockers are school property and remain under the control and jurisdiction of the school even when assigned to an individual student.

Searches of desks or lockers may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to believe that they contain articles or materials prohibited by District policy, whether or not a student is present.

The parent will be notified if any prohibited items are found in the student’s desk or locker.

Vehicles on Campus
Students will be permitted to bring cars to school as long as this practice does not create a problem for the school. All students must obtain a parking permit from the high school office for a $5.00 fee. The $5.00 fee goes toward student council activities. Upon arrival at the school, the student will immediately get out of the car and stay away from it until school is out or until given permission by the Principal or Superintendent.

Pupils will not exceed the 10 mile per hour speed limit on the school campus.

Vehicles parked on school property are under the jurisdiction of the school. School officials may search any vehicle any time there is reasonable cause to do so, with or without the presence of the student. A student has full responsibility for the security and content of his/her vehicle and must make certain that it is locked and that the keys are not given to others. See also the Student Code of Conduct.

Trained Dogs
The District shall use specially trained nonaggressive dogs to sniff out and alert officials to the current presence of concealed prohibited items, illicit substances defined in FNCF(LEGAL), and alcohol. This program is implemented in response to drug and alcohol related problems in District schools, with the objective of maintaining a safe school environment conducive to education.

Such visits to schools shall be unannounced. The dogs shall be used to sniff vacant classrooms, vacant common areas, the areas around student lockers, and the areas around vehicles parked on school property. The dogs shall not be used with students. If a dog alerts to a locker, a vehicle, or an item in a classroom, it may be searched by school officials. Searches of vehicles shall be conducted as described above.


Students who participate in school-sponsored trips are required to use transportation provided by the school to and from the event. The principal, however, may make an exception if the parent makes a written request that the student be released to the parent or to another adult designated by the parent.

Buses and Other School Vehicles
The District makes school bus transportation available to all students. This service is provided at no cost to students. Bus routes and any subsequent changes are posted at the school. Further information may be obtained by calling (806)-257-3310.

See the Student Code of Conduct for provisions regarding transportation to the disciplinary Alternative Education Program.

Students are expected to assist District staff in ensuring that buses remain in good condition and that transportation is provided safely. When riding school buses, students are held to behavioral standards established in this handbook and the Student Code of Conduct. Students must:

When students ride in a District van or passenger car, seat belts must be fastened at all times.
Misconduct will be punished in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct; bus-riding privileges may be suspended.

Visitors to the School

General Visitors
Parents and others are welcome to visit District schools. For the safety of those within the school and to avoid disruption of instructional time, all visitors must first report to the principal’s office.

Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time are permitted only with approval of the principal and teacher and so long as their duration or frequency does not interfere with the delivery of instruction or disrupt the normal school environment.

All visitors are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of courtesy and conduct; disruptive behavior will not be permitted.

Visitors Participating in Special Programs for Students
The District invites representatives from colleges and universities and other higher education institutions, prospective employers, and military recruiters to present information to interested students.

Springlake-Earth ISD | School Info