Personal Writing Skills

Teacher: Mrs. Mary Jones

 TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills): 2A, 2C, 3A-3C, 4A-4I, 5A-5D

The Personal Writing Skills class is responsible for the high school portion of the online newspaper, "The Siren," which is published every six weeks. Using computer skills learned in the class, the students have learned not only to write articles for a world-wide audience, but use a digital camera, download the camera, scan pictures, utilize Adobe Photo Deluxe, build web pages, make links within the paper as well as to internet sites, and insert clip art and pictures.

In the history portion of "The Siren," SEHS is responsible for the time period between 1908 (when our school came into existence) through 1931. Staff members were assigned to research a topic of interest that occurred during this time period. They were to write an article based on this research, include at least two pictures, have at least two links to the internet, and find at least two books or resources in the local library or on campus that would provide additional information about the chosen topic.

To read staff members' article, please click below.

Katie: Shoeless Joe Jackson

Amanda: The Flu of 1918

Nancy: Albert Einstein

CheLyn: Authors of the 1900's

Charity: Fashions in the Roaring 20's

Brooke: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Rachea: Fashions in 1908 and 1930

Information about the High School Newspaper Staff:








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